Volunteer Application

Volunteer Application

Thank you for applying to volunteer for a PWDCA committee(s). To see a description of the PWDCA committees, please click here.

Name: *
Address : *
Preferred Phone Number : *
Email: *
Please indicate what committees you are applying for: *
I would like to serve on the committee(s) because: *
I have the following skill(s) that could be utilized on a committee(s): *
My history with the PWDCA / PWD / Other Breed Clubs: *
Additional Comments:
Confidentiality Agreement

I agree to respect and uphold the confidential nature of any information so designated, provided to me during or in connection with my service as a member of a committee of the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Inc., Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, LLC (hereinafter referred to collectively as "PWDCA"), or as a committee member or as a Water Trial Judge for any event sanctioned by the PWDCA, including, but not limited to, confidential written, electronic and oral communications regarding individual Portuguese Water Dogs, breeding programs, breeders or participants of any PWDCA sanctioned event. I will not reproduce or disseminate in any manner (verbal, written, or otherwise) any confidential information and/or documents that I receive in connection with my service except to other members of the same committee as needed in fulfilling the work of the committee, to researchers for studies approved by the PWDCA, or to any PWDCA committee or Board as required by the Policies and Procedures of the PWDCA. At the end of my service, I will turn over to the chair of the committee, or PWDCA Recording Secretary, all confidential documents related to that committee. I acknowledge that my agreement to maintain confidentiality remains intact even after my leaving the committee. Confidential information may be verbal, written or electronic information that is not publicly available and is: 1) claimed confidential by the submitter of the information; 2) personal information for which there is a general expectation of privacy; or 3) directly related to charges preferred against a PWDCA member, in which case the information submitted shall no longer be deemed confidential; or 4)directly related to aggression incidents or grievances at a PWDCA sanctioned event. I understand that violation of this agreement will result in immediate termination of my position on any PWDCA committee or PWDCA sanctioned event committee and that nothing in this agreement bars the PWDCA from pursuing any or all remedies against anyone who discloses or receives such confidential information. Furthermore, violation of this agreement shall constitute a breach of the Bylaws of the PWDCA, and as such, may result in suspension and/or expulsion from the PWDCA. I also understand that intellectual property created by me for the PWDCA during my tenure as a volunteer of the PWDCA is the property of the PWDCA. I relinquish all rights to any materials created in service to or for the benefit of the PWDCA.  This relinquishment is final and continues beyond my tenure of service.  Intellectual property encompasses but may not be limited to:  research projects and communications, membership information, website construction and updates, financial programs or information, various club documents needed to conduct business as well as graphics, artistic works and any programs including databases.

By selecting "Yes" below, I hereby confirm that I will abide by this Confidentiality Agreement.: *

NOTE: The PWDCA respects your privacy. This information will not be shared or sold to other organizations or businesses.