Before You Buy...

Do Your Homework Before You Buy!

Portuguese Water Dogs are in high demand. To find a healthy PWD in today's environment requires homework and time. This pup will be a beloved family member for years to come. These amazing dogs are a product of their Breeder's diligence and care—not a commodity one purchases from an online retailer, arriving two days later. This must be stated because this demand has created an industry of unscrupulous puppy mills and breeders whose websites are cute and their advertising is slick. Dams are dangerously overbred, health papers are falsified, deposits are taken with pups never delivered. And most sadly, pups suffering from entirely preventable congenital or other diseases are delivered to unsuspecting families. The horror stories are real. Please do not let a charming pitch persuade you to cut corners so that you can have your pup sooner than later.

So you think you want a purebred PWD Puppy...

You've decided that you want a purebred dog, specifically, a Portuguese Water Dog. Perhaps your friends own a PWD, you met one frolicking at the beach, or you've seen a proud PWD strutting his stuff at a dog show. You love their personality, intelligence and their adorable countenance. You're convinced this is the perfect breed for you and your family, but consider taking a bit more time to really get to know this breed. Learn more about living with a PWD...

Buyer Beware

Your next move—finding a puppy! This little bundle of energy will be a family member for a decade or more; it's essential to find a reputable source. The future well-being of your pup is largely dependent upon the individual who planned, bred, whelped, and raised it. Know who you're dealing with before you get emotionally attached. Avoid the pitfalls and search smart for your future best friend. Here's where to look...


Choosing a Breeder

Responsible breeders pore over pedigrees, test for genetic disease, evaluate temperaments, and scrutinize structure to determine how to best produce healthy offspring. They prepare pups to take on the world by socializing, densensitizing and training them. And they carefully select homes to assure the best outcome for the puppy. Your breeder will support you throughout your pup's lifetime. The most important step you'll take in this process is deciding upon your pup's breeder. How to decide...


Puppy Resource Kit & Puppy Buyer Cheat Sheet

Puppy Resource Kit - In addition to the content referenced above, we've compiled a library of resources (online, downloadable and printable) to assist with the upbringing and care for your pup. Of course, your breeder is an amazing, knowledgeable resource (because you did your homework!) that you should never hesitate to contact.

Puppy Buyer Cheat Sheet (located in Resource Kit above) - We've also created a printable set of "crib notes" to help you navigate your search for a healthy, well-adjusted PWD (puppy or adult).