Current AKC Breed Standard for PWD
(Note: In 2016 the PWDCA approved an Illustrated Breed Standard.)
Shoulders are well inclined and very strongly muscled. Upper arms are strong. Forelegs are strong and straight with long, well muscled forearms. Carpus is heavy-boned, wider in front than at the side. Pasterns are long and strong. Dewclaws may be removed. Feet are round and rather flat. Toes neither knuckled up nor too long. Webbing between the toes is of soft skin, well covered with hair, and reaches the toe tips. Central pad is very thick, others normal. Nails held up slightly off the ground. Black, brown, white, and striped nails are allowed.
Powerful; well balanced with the front assembly. Legs, viewed from the rear, are parallel to each other, straight and very strongly muscled in upper and lower thighs. Buttocks are well developed. Tendons and hocks are strong. Metatarsus long, no dewclaws. Feet similar in all respects to forefeet.
Curly - Compact, cylindrical curls, somewhat lusterless. The hair on the ears is sometimes wavy. Wavy - Falling gently in waves, not curls, and with a slight sheen.
No preference will be given to coat type, either curly or wavy.
Two clips are acceptable:
Lion Clip - As soon as the coat grows long, the middle part and hindquarters, as well as the muzzle, are clipped. The hair at the end of the tail is left at full length.
Retriever Clip - In order to give a natural appearance and a smooth unbroken line, the entire coat is scissored or clipped to follow the outline of the dog, leaving a short blanket of coat no longer than one inch in length. The hair at the end of the tail is left at full length.
No discrimination will be made against the correct presentation of a dog in either Lion Clip or Retriever Clip.
Black, white, and various tones of brown; also combinations of black or brown with white. A white coat does not imply albinism provided nose, mouth, and eyelids are black. In animals with black, white, or black and white coats, the skin is decidedly bluish.
Major Faults
- Temperament - Shy, vicious, or unsound behavior.
- Head - Unimpressive; small in overall size; narrow in topskull; snipey in muzzle.
- Substance - Light or refined in bone; lacking in muscle.
- Coat - Sparse; naturally short, close-lying hair, partially or over all; wispy or wiry in texture; brittle; double-coated.
- Tail - Other than as described. Extremely low set. Heavy or droopy in action.
- Pigment - Any deviation from described pigmentation; other than black or various tones of brown eye color; pink or partial pigmentation in nose, lips, eyes, or eye rims.
- Bite - Overshot or undershot.
For a pdf of the AKC Breed Standard for PWD, click here
Approved January 15, 1991
Effective February 27, 1991