
Puppy on a String Article Series

Long Range Planning

Puppy Eye Syndrome Article Series


2014 Health Reports

Canine Behavior


In 1985, the PWDCA conducted a survey of PWD owners to identify the most pressing problems facing our breed. The first-ranked issue was hip dysplasia. The second issue was temperament. Twenty years later, in spite - or perhaps because - of rapid increases in the popularity of our breed, almost half (47%) of respondents to the 2005 Health Survey reported a temperament or behavior issue. Today, PWD behavioral issues continue to challenge PWD owners. In this section, you will find reading materials which have been selected to help us better understand canine behavior and which offer techniques we can use to prevent and resolve behavioral problems.

Helpful Articles/Books
Before You Get Your Puppy by Dr. Ian Dunbar
"Dog Behavior Q and A, a PWD-L Discussion"
The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs by Patricia B. McConnel


Behavioral Issues-Recommended Steps to Take

  • Contact the breeder of your dog if you have any problems or questions regarding your dog's behavior
  • Contact a Certified Dog Trainer that specialize in behavior issues.
  • If you can’t find your breeder, don’t know who your breeder is, or your breeder is unavailable or unable to help you, please contact PWDCA Rescue, Inc.