PWDCA National Specialty

Chair: Chris Dostie

2025 National Specialty Website

Purina Farms
Gray Summit, MO


Chair: Zac Crump

2026 National Specialty Website


Chair: TBD
2027 National Specialty Website



The PWDCA National Specialty past winners are listed below by year. We congratulate the recent winners and celebrate the winners from years past.

The PWDCA Futurity and Maturity Stakes offer breeders a special opportunity to present their breeding vision. It also showcases the growth of a puppy through maturity indicating the potential of this breeding. The Maturity Stake not only provides Futurity nominated puppies with an additional opportunity to compete, but also gives those unable to participate in a Futurity the chance to compete during the next National Specialty.


How Does it Work?

  1. Breeder nominates the litter (after breeding but prior to whelping). Fee is $25.
  2. Owner or Breeder may nominate an individual puppy from an approved nominated litter for Futurity & Maturity. Nomination must be made before puppy is five (5) months old. Fee is $25 for Futurity or Maturity only and $45 for both Futurity and Maturity.
  3. For an additional $15 Late/Penalty Fee, the puppy nomination may be accepted no later than one day prior to the puppy’s five month and 14 day birth date, but at least two weeks prior to close of entries for Futurity if the puppy is competing in Futurity. Postmark on the envelope will determine date of nomination. The $15 late fee includes both Futurity & Maturity.
  4. Puppy is entered in the appropriate Futurity/Maturity stake class at the National Specialty. The fee (currently $10) will be listed on the Entry Form/Premium List.
  5. Futurity / Maturity Litter Nomination Form
  6. Futurity / Maturity Puppy Nomination Form


General Rules:

  • Nomination fees are non-refundable except as provided in Nomination of Puppy section (below).
  • Correct and timely nominations of both the litter and the individual puppy are required for stake eligibility, including PWDCA Health and Litter Log documentation requirements.
  • Prize monies can only be won through competition in stake judging.
  • Nomination forms may be obtained either from the Futurity/Maturity coordinator or from the PWDCA Web page.
  • Both sire and dam of litter must have "current" health records on file with the PWDCA Health and Litter Log at the time of Litter nomination. Current is defined as consistent with the health certification requirements as outlined in the Health Testing Policy for PWDCA Breeders' Programs Participation.
  • Frozen semen from deceased male - Date of Death (DOD) must be specified. If DOD is prior to 1-1-11, health certifications must have been in accordance with the PWDCA Advertising Policy in effect at the time of the dog's death. If DOD is 1-1-11 or after, health certifications must have been in accordance with the Health Testing Policy for PWDCA Breeders' Programs Participation at the time of the dog's death. (Historical iterations of "The Courier" breeding ad policy are outlined on the Litter Nomination form above.
  • After whelp, breeder must register the litter in PWDCA Health and Litter Log before the litter turns 5 months.
  • Spayed/neutered puppies may NOT be entered in the Futurity/Maturity stake (regardless whether they were intact when they were nominated).
  • Futurity/Maturity coordinator may nominate, his/her own litter(s) and puppy(s).
  • Futurity and Maturity stake shall be held only once per year in conjunction with the PWDCA National Specialty. Puppy may compete only one time in Futurity and one time, a year later, in Maturity. Champions of record are eligible to compete.
  • Disputes, which arise in relation to general aspects of the Futurity/Maturity stake, shall be jointly handled by the PWDCA President and Futurity/Maturity coordinator. Any dispute which specifically addresses the eligibility of puppies entered in the futurity and or maturity must be in writing and submitted to the Futurity/Maturity coordinator by mail within five (5) days from the date of the Futurity/Maturity stake. The name of the breeder and registered name of the pup in question must be included along with a detailed description of the nature of the dispute.
  • The PWDCA Board, by majority vote of the full Board of Directors, may revise the Futurity/Maturity program from year to year with such adjustments, if any, to go into effect as of January 1 of each year. The PWDCA Board shall notify the PWDCA membership of any changes to the Futurity/Maturity stake program.
  • Un-awarded monies from non-entered class placements and un-awarded monies due to absentees will return to the Futurity/Maturity stake fund for the following year, which moneys may first be used to offset any excess administration expenses (including costs related to hiring judge and their related expenses), with the balance, if any, to be included with the next distribution of Futurity/Maturity stake monies. Such un-awarded monies shall be given to the PWDCA Treasurer at the close of the National Specialty for depositing into the Futurity/Maturity operating fund.
  • Futurity/Maturity judge (and related judge's expenses) is paid for from the futurity/maturity operating fund. The Regional Club hosting the PWDCA National Specialty selects the Futurity/Maturity judge. Prospective judges must be AKC approved, with either provisional or full licensing, for at least three years prior to judging; or, a breeder-judge may be selected with the criteria listed below. In addition, any AKC rules and/or restrictions in place at the time of the specialty/futurity/maturity stake relating to owners of puppies where such puppies were bred and sold by the judge must be adhered to. (If no regional club is the host of the national specialty during any given year, and the PWDCA hosts the national specialty, then the futurity/maturity judge is selected by the PWDCA membership under the same general selection/voting guidelines as set forth by the PWDCA in selecting the national specialty conformation judge.)

The Criteria for the Futurity/Maturity Judge if not an AKC Approved Judge

  1. Must be a member of the PWDCA or Foreign National PWD organization
  2. Must have bred a minimum of Three PWD litters and had at least Three PWD Conformation Champions
  3. Must sign a form stating that they have participated, volunteered or observed at a Water Trial. This form is an addendum to this program
  4. Must have participated in the breed for a minimum of Seven years through active participation in the PWDCA.
  5. In addition it is suggested that a potential judge have attended at least one PWDCA Judges education seminar with appropriate documentation of same.

Nomination of Litter:

  1. Must be by breeder or co-breeder, at least one of whom, preceding the date of litter nomination, must be a member of the PWDCA in good standing. The nominator, if living, must still be a member in good standing of the PWDCA at the time of stake judging. This requirement does not apply to the owner of the sire.
  2. Must be after the breeding, but before puppies are whelped. Postmark on envelope containing nomination establishes date of nomination. Faxed nominations will not be accepted. Fed-Ex, UPS or other Special mail is not necessary. Timing is determined by postmark only.
  3. Fee is $25 (checks/money orders only, payable to the PWDCA, in U.S. funds).
  4. Nomination of litter makes each puppy in litter eligible for individual nomination.
  5. All health information for both Sire and Dam must be on file with the PWDCA H&L database at the time of the nomination.

Nomination of Puppy:

  1. Must be by owner and/or breeder, who need not be a PWDCA member.
  2. Nomination for Futurity and Maturity must be before puppy reaches five (5) months of age and before Futurity/Maturity stake entries close. The date of nomination shall be determined by the postmark on the envelope containing the nomination, which must be dated no later than the day prior to the date the puppy reaches the age of five months or at least one week before the futurity stake entries close, whichever occurs first. Faxed nominations will not be accepted.
  3. Late fee for Futurity and Maturity individual puppy nomination: If the puppy has reached 5 months and has not been nominated, an additional $15/puppy penalty fee before the puppy reaches 5 months and 14 days, or if the puppy is competing in Futurity, at least three calendar weeks before futurity stake entries close, whichever comes first. The late fee of $15 will be assessed for both Futurity and Maturity. There will be no other late fees or grace periods for litter or individual puppy nominations.
  4. Fee is $25 for Futurity or Maturity only and $45 for both Futurity and Maturity (checks/money orders only, payable to the PWDCA, in U.S. funds). There are no refunds except that breeders who have nominated puppies but cannot show in Futurity or Maturity because of any AKC/PWDCA rules restricting who may show to a particular judge shall have their puppy nomination fee(s) refunded.
  5. Breeder may individually nominate an entire litter if the breeder pays the $25/$45 nomination fee for each puppy and supplies the whelping date, name, sex, and color for each puppy. If neither litter nor individual registration number is available at time of nomination, breeder must supply said number(s) to Futurity/Maturity coordinator as soon as possible, but in no event any later than one week before Futurity stake entries close or at least one day before puppy(s) reaches the age of five months, whichever occurs first.
  6. Any changes in the identifying information, which will be included in the Futurity/Maturity or PWDCA specialty show catalog from that previously provided the Futurity/Maturity coordinator, must be received by the Futurity/Maturity coordinator at least one (1) week before Futurity/Maturity stake entries close. Failure to provide such information will result in disqualification of puppy, and no refunds will be issued.
  7. Nominated puppies may compete in the Futurity stake one time and the Maturity stake one time.
  8. A puppy, properly nominated and accepted for Futurity only, may later be nominated for the corresponding Maturity stake program. The Puppy Nomination Form must be received one week before the Futurity-Maturity stake entries close. The date of nomination shall be determined by the postmark on the envelope that contains the nomination. The Maturity-only fee of $25 must be included.

Entry for Stake Judging:

  1. Must also be entered in one of the regular classes at the PWDCA National Specialty show. Fee for this entry must be paid.
  2. Futurity and Maturity stake entry must be indicated as an additional class. Additional class entry must include age division (e.g., futurity 6-9 months). Puppies are eligible only for the Futurity stake which is held in conjunction with the first PWDCA National Specialty on or after the date a puppy reaches six (6) months of age (i.e., properly nominated puppies may be over 18 months of age when the next futurity stake is held for which such puppies may be entered and shown if the immediately preceding futurity stake was held before the puppy(s) was six months of age). A properly nominated puppy is eligible for Maturity in the next PWDCA National Specialty which is held after they are eligible for Futurity whether or not they competed in Futurity at the preceding National Specialty. Entry fee is currently $10. Entry fee refunds are made solely at the discretion of the show superintendent.

Class Divisions/Sequence of Judging:

  • Futurity Stake is divided into four age groups, which are separated by two age divisions: 6-9 months and 9-12 months, which are the "Junior Puppy Division" classes; and 12-15 months and 15-plus months of age, which are the "Senior Puppy Division" classes
  • Maturity Stake is divided into two age groups: Under two years and two years and over (up to 33 months)
  • Each age group for both Futurity and Maturity is further divided by sex (with males to be judged first). Thus, there are two classes in each age group--one for each sex.
  • There will be no more than four placements in each Futurity class and no more than four in each Maturity class,
  • After all eight classes for Futurity are judged, all first place class winners (up to four) from the Junior Puppy Division re-enter the ring, and a Best Junior Puppy will be selected; then all first place class winners (up to four) from the Senior Puppy Division re-enter the ring, and a Best Senior Puppy will be selected. There will be no Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior/Senior Puppy selected, nor will an overall Best in Futurity Puppy selected. After the two classes for Maturity are judged, all first place class winners (up to four) re-enter the ring. Best Maturity and Best of Opposite Sex in Maturity will be selected.

Divisions of Total Futurity Stake Monies:

  • 18% of total nomination fees (plus non-entered and absentee monies from the previous year, if any) to operating expense fund ("Futurity/Maturity operating fund"). If total futurity/maturity expenses exceed 18%, then such overage shall be the responsibility of, and paid for by, the PWDCA National Specialty committee.
  • 48% of total nomination fees to class placements (6% per class) (See Division of Individual Stake Monies defined below.)
  • 8% of total nomination fees to Best Senior Puppy in Futurity.
  • 8% of total nomination fees to Best Junior Puppy in Futurity.
  • 18% of total nomination fees to breeders/owners of record. (See Division of Individual Prize Monies defined below.)

Division of Individual Stake Monies:

40% -- first place
30% -- second place
20% -- third place
10% -- fourth place


Division of Individual Prize Monies:

Of the 18% to be awarded to the breeder(s) and owner(s) of record, 9%, divided as follows, shall be awarded to the breeder(s)/owner(s) of the Best Junior Puppy, and 9%, divided as follows, shall be awarded to the breeder(s)/owner(s) of the Best Senior Puppy. These awards will be presented in the ring during judging. If the recipient is not present, awards will be mailed.

50% to breeder(s) of record
35% to owner(s) of puppy on date of stake judging
15% to owner of sire on date dam was bred


Divisions of Total Maturity Stake Monies:

  • 18% of total nomination fees (plus non-entered and absentee monies from the previous year, if any) to operating expense fund ("Futurity/Maturity operating fund"). If total futurity/maturity expenses exceed 18%, then such overage shall be the responsibility of, and paid for by, the PWDCA National Specialty committee.
  • 48% of total nomination fees to class placements (12% per class) (See Division of Individual Stake Monies defined below.)
  • 8% of total nomination fees to Best in Maturity.
  • 8% of total nomination fees to Best Opposite in Maturity.
  • 18% of total nomination fees to breeders/owners of record. (See Division of Individual Prize Monies defined below.)

Division of Individual Stake Monies:

40% -- first place
30% -- second place
20% -- third place
10% -- fourth place


Division of Individual Prize Monies:

Of the 18% to be awarded to the breeder(s) and owner(s) of record, 9%, divided as follows, shall be awarded to the breeder(s)/owner(s) of the Best in Maturity, and 9%, divided as follows, shall be awarded to the breeder(s)/owner(s) of the Best of Opposite Sex in Maturity. These awards will be presented in the ring during judging. If the recipient is not present, awards will be mailed.

50% to breeder(s) of record
35% to owner(s) of puppy on date of stake judging
15% to owner of sire on date dam was bred


Trophies and Ribbons:

  • Ribbons shall be awarded for each class placement in Futurity and Maturity (1-4).
  • Rosettes shall be awarded for Best Junior Puppy and Best Senior Puppy in Futurity.
  • Trophies shall be awarded for Best Junior Puppy and Best Senior Puppy in Futurity.
  • Rosette and Trophy shall be awarded to the Best in Maturity.
  • Rosette and Trophy shall be awarded to the Best of Opposite Sex in Maturity.
  • Trophies will be paid for with funds from the Futurity/Maturity operating fund. Ribbons and rosettes may be sponsored and paid for by PWDCA members.

Summary of Major Rules:

  • PWDCA member-breeder must nominate litter before it is whelped.
  • Owner or breeder must nominate puppy before it reaches five (5) months of age.
  • Both sire and dam of litter must have "current" health records on file with the PWDCA Health and Litter Log. Current is defined as consistent with the health certification requirements as outlined in the Health Testing Policy for PWDCA Breeders' Programs Participation.
  • After whelp, litter must be listed with PWDCA Health and Litter Log.
  • Futurity or Maturity is an additional class at the National Specialty and premium list/entry form must so indicate. (No points are awarded).
  • All information on entry form for stake judging must be consistent with that which has been supplied the Futurity/Maturity coordinator; otherwise, puppy will be disqualified and no refunds will be given.

Complete Futurity and Maturity Stakes Program Rules

Contact Shelly Jakubowski for questions regarding the Futurity and Maturity Stake Program.

SUPERDOG is a very special honor awarded at the end of the National Specialty. This honor recognizes overall versatility of the Portuguese Water Dog by requiring participation in a variety of events. It rewards capabilities and efforts of the individual PWD who competes in three or more events and accumulates the most overall points for placements and qualifying performance. Click here for the current rules.

In 2011, the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Inc. offered its first Top-20 Competition to be held in conjunction with the annual National Specialty. The Top-20 is held prior to Best of Breed judging so as not to allow the BOB selection to influence the outcome of the Top-20. Entry is by invitation only and is sent to the Top 20 PWDs in breed and all-breed points as determined by the AKC for the previous calendar year. In the event a specialty is cancelled, the qualifiers that would have otherwise been eligible to participate in the year of cancellation will be invited to participate the following year.

This event is intended to educate and entertain exhibitors, breeders, fanciers and judges. It provides special recognition to those PWDs with the most outstanding records in the show ring during the previous year, together with their breeders, handlers, and owners. This occasion provides a continuing incentive to strive for PWDs that excel in structure, movement, temperament and conformation to our written standard. Using a point system, each dog is evaluated by three judges according to how closely it conforms to the breed standard.

The Top-20 Competition offers all who attend a chance to view the very best PWDs in the country based on their competitive standings in both breed points and all-breed points. Breed points are calculated by the number of Portuguese Water Dogs that a dog/bitch defeats by winning Best of Breed. All-breed points are calculated by Working Group and Best in Show competition, and are based on the total number of points from the Portuguese Water Dog breed judging plus all the breed points from every dog that was defeated in the Working Group and Best in Show by the PWD.

In addition, the audience is encouraged to vote for their "People's Choice" award; this prizewinner is announced following the Top-20. The winner of the Top-20 is revealed at the end of the Top-20 event.

The current seat manual can be downloaded here or in the Members Only section of this website, under "Documents."